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Join Us For A Tea Journey!


Our utmost goal with our tea classes is to guide participants to find a deeper personal relationship with tea through real, felt experience in the body. During each class we will take you on a journey to discover tastes, aromas and sensations of the tea plant, the environment in which it grows, and the people who devote their lives to it.

Regular price $35.00

Daytime Weekend Classes at our New Tea Studio!

Yes! We have a new space to share tea and teach classes. It is a small studio located near Woodland Park Zoo. We will be able to offer classes during our usual business hours on the weekend in a quiet, calm space with the intention that we can go deeper in tea.

Seatings are available at 11am and 2:30pm most Saturdays and Sundays throughout December. We are also opening up for tastings of new harvest Winter 2023 High Mountain Oolong! Find the schedule below.

We will send the new location's address in the confirmation email when you sign up for a class.


Upcoming special tastings

New Crop High Mountain Oolong!

Limited Dates: December 16th, 23rd and 30th @ 2:30pm

Book Now

What Does A Tea Class Entail?

We will guide these tea classes to meet the needs of the people in the room. Our focus will *always be tea tasting and tea brewing. You can also get a feel for how to guide a tea session of your own in your own space by following our example.

Tea tasting (or evaluation) is a skill that must be honed in order to brew better tea, or else the brewer may not know what to look for to guide her in moving forward. As so with improved brewing technique she can taste more nuances in the tea. So, like the two wings of a bird in flight, tea tasting and tea brewing support each other, and we therefore will lead participants to either learn tasting or brewing based on what is needed at that time. Please come with an open mind and be prepared to focus on either subject.

*We do not focus on explaining production methods, identifying growing regions or memorizing cultivars. We consider this information to be useful and fascinating, but only once the quality of tea can be evaluated.


(We'll try to remind you again, but make sure to eat something before coming to the class. We'll drink lots of teas, and a full belly is a must -- or else you might get too high!)


Privately Schedule A Tea Class

Private classes can be scheduled any time at our new tea studio in Woodland Park. There is a flat rate fee of $150 for up to 5 people. You will receive a 10% discount on any tea bought the day of the class.

If you are interested in scheduling a private class, please send us an email or contact us through the contact page with some days and times that will work for you.


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